Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I have too much to say and nobody's home right now.

Ay carumba! My life is insane. I love, love, love it. Today = good. Where to start? So I get weekly-ish letters from the English and Humanities programs with updates and job opportunities and stuff. One of them (can't remember which) talked about applying for TMA 378, a New Media Production class. I thought it sounded cool, so I applied on a whim. They took a super long time getting back to us--told us the night before classes started, in fact--but finally, I was informed that I was in. Today I went to the first class. I am. SO. Excited. Enough to put periods where they don't belong. I can't really tell people much about it, which is even more crazy, because everyone knows I love telling people about things. All I can say is that I'll be a production assistant and work on the ad team for a crew that is making a comedic web series for an client you have more than likely heard of. We read through the script for the first episode today, and it is most definitely funny. This is going to be a big deal. Keep your eye out for it. I'll definitely advertise my butt off once I'm allowed to.

So that's really exciting. Plus there are so many other things. Rehearsal for Big Band Night starts tomorrow! I'll be a part of the cast and singing at least one solo with Synthesis, which is ridiculously cool. I'm also excited because I've got a few articles published and/or waiting for publication by The Student Reivew, so there's another thing to toot my horn about. Sorry, by the way. This is mostly a horn-tooting entry. I just really need to toot it. It's all bundled up inside of me and I'm about to explode from all the excitement and non-tootedness of it.

It's also good to be back in Provo. The break was wonderful and relaxed and fulfilling, and I got to hang out with my family and closest friends back there. I flew back into Utah on Monday and have been reuniting myself with everyone--most especially all those wonderful kids who went on the study abroad to Amman, Jordan without me! I missed them more than I realized. That's another exciting thing! My second job is working as a research assistant for Dr. Dewey, a linguistics professor at BYU. If everything pans out right, I will be accompanying the 2012 Arabic Study Abroad as a research assistant this coming fall. In other words, I'll FINALLY be getting off this continent!! Yayyyy, party for Tasha.

Hm, what else? I'm excited for all my other classes, too. I've decided that while I'm in school, I might as well take classes that I enjoy, dangit. So here's my schedule: Monday, 8 am racquetball with my good friend and coworker, Ryan. Then work for 5 hours, then go to Writings of Isaiah with none other than Terry Ball as my teacher. Tuesdays I have Ethnic Lit with a chili-pepper professor, volleyball, American Lit, Jazz Voices, and Scandinavian Choir, taught by a friend of mine. Holy buckets! That's a lot. Wednesday I go to racquetball, then I have that film class I was telling you about, then I work for another 5 hours. Thursdays are the same as Tuesdays, except I swap Scandinavian Choir for Big Band Night rehearsal. Fridays I've had to keep completely open because I will be spending every Friday starting this week on set with the crew for TMA 378.

Yikes. On top of that, I'm doing my work-at-home job for Dr. Dewey, trying to write my own screenplay, being an FHE mom, and attempting to eat healthily and often enough to survive.

I am so stoked.