This summer is a summer of new things! Here are just a few of such endeavors that I am excited about.
1) I suppose I'll just be right up front that there has been a boy hanging around quite a bit lately. His name is Benjamin Young Christensen, but we usually call him simply Ben. I am quite fond of him. Here is a picture of said fellow.
1) I suppose I'll just be right up front that there has been a boy hanging around quite a bit lately. His name is Benjamin Young Christensen, but we usually call him simply Ben. I am quite fond of him. Here is a picture of said fellow.
Fortunately he doesn't usually wear skinny jeans. He is in fact in costume for our hipster date to the art museum. Those are my pants, actually. . . . Yeah, get uncomfortable. Here are a few more hipster pictures of our excellent get-ups.
Don't we look SO authentic? I was pretty proud. We had to quite a bit of scrounging to acquire all those accessories.
Anyways, here's a picture where you can see a tiny bit better what he looks like. It's pretty dang hard to get a decent picture of this kid, so cherish them when you can.
Except it apparently decided to be all stretched out and weird. Yeah, that's a bottle of Prego. No connection to the word "pregnant," of course. Of course. . . .
I'm gonna be honest. I'm mostly just blogging about Ben because he absolutely hates it when people get all internet-y with their relationships. I had to bother him a lot to even get our Facebook relationship approved. Now I can spite him more! Hooray! Always the goal in a healthy relationship.
Anyways, Ben's gone for 3 weeks on tour with his folk band, which is probably why I even have time to even write on this stinking blog.
Okay, on to more new things:
2) Soccer. Did you know that I have never played a real game of soccer? It kind of blows my mind, because I've played (at least once) pretty much every other mainstream sport out there. Basketball, volleyball, football, rugby, Ultimate Frisbee, kickball, racquetball, tennis, softball/baseball . . . but soccer somehow never quite came up. However, things changed when some kid from my new ward came knocking to see if anyone wanted to join his intramural soccer team.
I was feeling bored (probably due to the aforementioned absence of Ben - I'm pretty pathetic), so I decided to finally give the sport a try.
This is not me. This is someone who is good at soccer.
We had our first game tonight. Fortunately, the other team had to forfeit because not enough of their players showed up. So instead of having pressure and the resulting frustration with my suckiness that would have come upon myself and my teammates, we just had a nice, calm game where my suckiness didn't have the opportunity to anger people as much. And, if I do say so myself, I really did pretty well for my first time. I may yet get the hang of this thing.
3) I moved to Centennial Apartments a couple weeks ago - the land of enchantment. But seriously, this place is a little haven of BYU Mormon-dom. It's great fun watching all the starry-eyed ward members flirt and frolic. I feel so old. I'm a freaking senior now, people. I've done stuff.
I'm excited for my ward. They play sports like NOBODY's business. Soccer on Tuesdays, Frisbee on Wednesdays, basketball on Thursdays, and volleyball on Saturdays. I mean WHAAAAT?!! Heaven. HEAVEN. Plus our bishop is a big ol' ex-Baptist with a sense of humor. I can tell I'm gonna like him already.
4) Like last summer, I'm going to put more time into gigging and recording now that I don't have school to worry about. Speaking of which, have you heard my new song yet? I've been shamelessly promoting it all over my social media recently, so I'd be surprised if you haven't. I'm pretty happy with it, though! I wrote it for Deseret Book's web series Pretty Darn Funny, which I helped work on as part of the film crew these past few months. I had a great time! Here are some of us at a fellow crew-member's wedding last weekend.
I miss these people. Working on PDF really taught me a lot about film, business, social media, and storytelling. Plus, it helped me realize that film could very well be something I want to do with the rest of my life. Even though I only had a small position on the crew, I had an absolute blast just being a part of something like this.
A few more new things in store:
5) I'm finally getting off this continent! Hawaii, here I come!
6) I may purchase some sort of vehicle - most likely a scooter, but I've toyed with the ideas of getting a motorcycle or maybe a car. We'll see.
7) I finally have a stinkin' BALCONY! I have waited so long. . . .
8) A couple new part-time jobs in the wings. . . . We'll see how those turn out. Still waiting to hear.
In general, I'm just excited for this summer to get into full swing. Summers in Provo are absolutely fantastic.
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